Introduction to Design


Introduction to Design

Freelancing is quite challenging and more so for beginners. This is simply true because of the fact that the client is always right. When you have been contracted to deliver a project, a lot of success of the project depends on the client being satisfied with the end product or service dispensed. Therefore, a designer or a freelancer in the design field has to detach himself or herself from personal emotions. You as a designer might dislike a particular color theme or texture or smell. But as long as the client prefers that particular product feature then you have to provide it as it is. You should provide it regardless of how you feel about it. You should only focus on the client’s preferences.

As a designer your strength should rely on the principle of design mentioned below. You should play around with the different types of principles of design to provide perfect mix of the look and feel. As long as the client’s choice is respected.

 Freelance jobs are project based jobs and a freelancer comes on board with five key tools to facilitate a gig.

One, Skills/ Knowledge. A freelancer has to have knowledge on the subject matter. Clients do not ask for his or her papers but rather ask for his or her portfolio. They say you are as good as the last project you did and clients know this too well. They will insist on verifying your portfolio and especially the latest project accomplished. Lucky is the freelancer who will be referred by a satisfied client.

 Two, Pitching. A Freelancer must have a customized pitch deck that he/she will constantly use to sell his skills. The pitch deck is brief and to the point. The ability to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly will differentiate amateurs from professionals. Each freelancer has a database of potential clients that can benefit from his or her business. These could be friends, acquaintances or referrals.

  Three, Portfolio. A collection of previous work done. A freelancer must organize himself a mini agency and must be able to have a brief of all the projects done in the past. It means that the freelancer must work under a registered business name with a valid business bank account or personal bank account. The bank account acts like an address where he / she can be located. Some opt for digital banks such as Skrill, Net Teller, PayPal and Payoneer.

 Four, Internet. This is the most important resource that a freelancer must possess. It is important to note that with this internet a freelancer should have an operational email account that can enable him to communicate with clients in the right time. Other facilities that come with internet includes online presences in social media like IG, Facebook, Twitter, and Blogs. In most cases many freelancers also need cloud storage facilities that will allow them to work seamlessly from whenever and wherever. It is also from the internet that a freelancer will access the source of freelance work or websites offering freelancing opportunities.

 Five, a digital device. This could be a camera, a phone, a laptop or a desktop where he/she executes client work. These devices need supporting software like adobe products and other open source software.  

Introduction to Design

Introduction 20mins


Principles of Design (1 hour)

Definition of Design

A plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made. i.e. concept cars.

Why is Design important

1.       Reduces complication and cost of the project

2.       .



Repeat some aspect of your design throughout the entire piece


If two items are not the same, then make them different. Really Different


Arrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions.


Draw the viewers’ attention to a specific design element


The visual size and weight of elements in a composition and how they relate to each other


How elements interact with each other to imply motion

White Space


Group related items together. Physical closeness implies a relationship

 See the attached Airtel poster and identify the elements of design
